Until recently the Zooniverse app, which is available for Android and iOS, could only handle very simple Citizen Science projects requiring a simple yes/no. They have just updated the app so it can handle multi-answer questions, which is what BashTheBug needs, so we are testing BashTheBug on mobile devices and would love your thoughts and comments.
At the moment the mobile app can only handle a single question per image, and we have been using two. So we’ve converted the “9 wells v1” workflow to only ask a single question. The obvious downside is the number of options required can be large, especially for the images with 9 or 10 wells, like the one shown below.
Please try both the “9 wells v1” workflow via a browser on a laptop, as you normally do, and also the Zooniverse app and let us know what you think, either by the Talk Boards (mentioning @philipwfowler) or by emailing bashthebug@gmail.com.
Depending on what you all think, we are aiming to re-factor BashTheBug so you can classify on both mobile devices and laptops by early June 2019.