BashTheBug on the Zooniverse News

Two Million Classifications

You reached two million classifications on Thu 12 March 2020.

To celebrate and to show what a collective effort it has been we asked you to send us some words you associate with BashTheBug and also an image that represents you. The former we have had into a Wordle, and the top three words are beautifully “help”, “science” and “fun”. Then, like when we reached one million classifications, we’ve made a montage out of all your images.

Thank you for all the effort you put into BashTheBug.

I’ll blog about this soon, but there has been such a surge in activity, probably due to most people being confined to their houses (we are!) due to the COVID-19 epidemic, we are almost at 2.5 million classifications already!

By Philip Fowler

Philip W Fowler is a computational biophysicist studying antimicrobial resistance working at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.

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